Monday, 24 June 2013

How To Apply Henna On Hair

Hello friends we are sharing how to apply henna on hair. when you should be change color of your hair then use it natural color like henna. henna controls of hair falls and provides smooth condition of hair. henna is natural color. it is not side effect of hair. it removes of damage hair and makes the smooth and shine of hair. henna is the best treatment of damage hair. henna protects scalp form sun damage and thickens. natural henna is very subtle because it makes coat of the hair, letting your hair natural color show through.


Henna powder
Amla powder
Shikakai powder
Reetha powder
Cassia obtava
Tea tree
Lemon juice
Egg or Conditioner
Lukewarm water
Olive oil
Gloves {plastic rubber}


Take all ingredient a blow. add little lukewarm water and mash it properly so that it getting thick. now add 2-3 spoon olive oil {depending on hair length } and in this liquid solution and than again mash it all with properly using brash or spoon keep it for over- night before to use.

How To Apply Henna On Hair

  • 1st step-     First of all wash off your hair with shampoo, after 12 hours you can apply henna on your hair.
  • 2nd step-    Then after massage a few drops of olive to your hair.
  • 3rd step-    Wear your hand gloves.
  • 4th step-    Apply henna past on a small portion of hair. and wind in one direction.
  • 5th step-    Then apply more henna past on take a another portion of hair. and again wind it on firstly one direction like clockwise.then again apply henna on it direction.
  • 6th step-    Then again take a portion of hair and wind it firstly direction. apply henna on it all direction like clockwise.
  • 7th step-    Keep doing this and pile firstly direction it upon the head. this will help hair stay in place without clips or pins.
  • 8th step-    Wear shower cap to prevent the henna form falling off.
  • 9th step-    Keep the henna for 3-4 hours. you can leave it in over-night if you like.
  • 10th step-  Wash off with lukewarm water.
  • 11th step-  Do not use shampoo for at least 24 hours.

Enjoy the henna past of hair color. friends if you have and problem about this post so you can ask me frankly. and please like us on Facebook. thanks.

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