Saturday, 22 June 2013

How To Use Of Rose Water On The Face And Whole Body

Hello friends we are sharing on the blog How To Use Rose Water On The Face And whole body. Rose works clean the face and it instantly makes your skin feels fresh. it regenerate the skin and hydrates it so that your skin keep fresh and looking good. it also a great anti oxidant to keep your skin healthy and fair it is also protect your skin from sun burn and will also help to clean your skin, by removing blemished and acts as a toner. girls are suggested to massage their full body with this rose water early in morning before taking shower and apply facial rose water before going to bed in night. it gives pink skin and makes glow.

How To Can Use Of Rose Water On The Face And Body. 


1st Step.  First of all Make a small roller of cotton. then take a cotton roller dipped in rose water and apply it on the eyes till 10 minutes. it removes the puffiness of eyes and keep fresh.

2nd Step. It can use in the bathing water. take one cup in the rose water and it the into bathing water. then mix well properly. it so that your skin keep fresh and looking good.

3rd Step. Take a small roller of cotton into the rose water. then apply on the your face till 15 minutes. after 15 minutes. wash off with cool water. it instantly makes your skin feels fresh.

4th Step. Take rose water a spoon and add tow spoons of tomato juice. and mix it properly. then after apply on the your face till 15-20 minutes. wash off with cool water. it removes of oiliness skin.

5th Step. Take cucumber paste into rose water. mix properly well . then apply on the your face till 15 minutes. wash off with cool water. it removes of dry skin.

6th Step. Take potato paste in a bowl. add rose water and mix well. then apply on the your face till 15 minutes. wash off  with cool water. it removes of dark sport.

7th Step. Dip a cotton roller into rose water and lemon juice. and apply on the your face till 15 minutes. wash off with cool water. it also removes of dark sport and makes your skin feels fresh.

8th Step. Take tow spoon sandalwood powder in a bowl and add rose water . mix it properly then apply on the your face till 15-20 minutes. wash off with cool water. it instantly makes your skin feels fresh and glow.

9th Step. Take a spoon rose water in a bowl and add tow spoon orange juice. and mix it properly. then apply on the your face with cotton till 15 minutes. wash off with cool water. it removes dark sport, oily skin, and dry skin. and provide the retain and help moisture. it gives provide the vitamin c. 

10th Step. Take a spoon honey in a blow and tow spoon of rose water. and mix it properly. then after apply on the your face till 15-20 minutes. wash off with cool water. honey gives moisturizer and softness skin naturally.

These are 10th Steps of rose water how to can use of rose water on the face and whole body. if you have any question about this post then after you can ask me. enjoy the these steps. and please like us on Facebook.Thanks

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